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DHS Assam Final Result 2023 – Check Grade IV Posts Final Merit List

DHS Assam Result 2023

Directorate of Health Services (DHS), Assam has already declared the written examination result for the recruitment of Grade III posts. Based on the written test result, candidates are further called for skill test and document verification. Candidates who qualified in the written exam and further appeared in skill test and document verification  for these vacancy may now check their final result from this page. 
DHS Assam Result 2023 Full Details

DHS Assam Result 2023 Overview

Name of Post:Grade-III & Grade-IV
Total No of Posts:2720 Posts
Recruitment Board:DHS, Assam
Exam Type:Skill Test/ Aptitude Test
Exam Date:24th April to 4th May 2023
Result Status:Not Declared
Release Date:16th May 2023 (Grade IV)

The merit list and cut-off marks will also be updated on the official website of DHS, Assam. The details related to cut-off marks, the release of the merit list, and the result of the Grade 3,4 examination are shared in this article, candidates are requested to go through the complete article.
DME Assam Result 2023:  Click Here 
As per sources, DHS Assam Grade III & IV Result is likely to be declared on 10th May 2023. The candidates can download the pdf file of exam result through the official portal or you can use the direct link given on this page.

DHS Assam Result 2023 Full Details

Name of posts: Grade-III & Grade-IV

No of posts: 2,720 posts 
  • Grade III: 1,528 posts
  • Grade IV: 1,192 posts
Name of organization: Directorate of Health Services, Assam

Date of submission of application: 8th to 28th February 2022

Type of exam: Skill Test

Date of exam: 24th April to 4th May 2023

Mode of exam: Offline
Type of result: Final result

Status of result: Not Declared
DHSFW Assam Result 2023:  Click Here 
Date of declaration of result: 16th May 2023 (Grade IV)

DHS Result Date

Directorate of Health Services, Assam has notified that the written test result of Grade-IV posts has been declared on 29th April 2023. Candidates who appeared in the written test of Grade-IV can check their results on 29th April 2023. Additionally, the DHS final merit list for Grade IV will be declared on 16th May 2023.  

DHS Assam Exam Date

Candidates who have applied for the DHS Assam Recruitment and attended the written test need to confirm their candidature for the recruitment. The written exams were conducted in conjunction with similar recruitments in various departments. The written exam was conducted on different days for the recruitment of DHS, Assam Class III and IV positions.

Post NameExam Date
Grade-III (Technical)29th May 2022
Grade-III (Non-Technical)12th February 2023
Grade-IV22nd January 2023

DHS Grade III & IV Cut off Marks 2023

The examination Grade 3 & 4 conducted by DHS, Assam candidate will be expecting the result for it along with cut-off marks on the basis of which a merit list will be prepared of the selected candidates. The cut-off marks are usually dependent on multiple factors like the number of candidates who appeared for the exam, difficulty level of the exam, number of questions with high difficulty level, candidate category, the total number of examiners, etc.

The recruitment board will derive the cut-off category-wise using these factors. Once the scorecard is released candidate can validate their marks using the cut-off shared by the board. On the basis of the cut-off marks of the Grade 4 DHS DME exam, the merit list of the candidates who have scored above cut-off marks will be prepared and published on the official website of DHS DME, Assam.

How to Check Assam DHS Result (Grade 3,4)?

Candidates of DHS Recruitment, who appeared in the written exam conducted by the Directorate of Health Services, Assam will be able to check their exam results through the official website. Candidates can follow the steps given below to check their results.

Step 01: Scroll down, check "Important Link" section.

Step 02: Click on "DHS Assam Result" link.

Step 03: A PDF will be downloaded, search your roll number in that file.

Step 04: If your roll number is there. Congratulations, you have been selected for the next phase.

DHS Grade III Result Link

Grade IV Final Result: Click Her

DHS Grade III Tech Final Result: Click Here

DHS Grade III Non Tech FinalcResult: Click Here

ANM Final Result: Click Here

Grade III Result Notice: Click Here

Advertisement Details: Click Here

Official Website: Click Here

Skill Test of DHS, Grade IV Posts

All the candidates who appeared in written test conducted by Directorate of Health Services, Assam and qualified further have to appear in a Skill Test to be conducted by DHS, Assam. 
The schedule of the DHS Skill Test for each post is as mentioned below: 

Grade III (Technical)24th, 25th & 26th April 2023As given in result notice
Grade III (Non-Technical)26th and 27th April 2023To be updated
Technical Attendant26th and 27th April 2023To be updated
Grade IV3rd and 4th May 2023To be updated

Venue of Skill Test: Gauhati Medical College Auditorium Complex, Guwahati.

Candidates are also directed to bring all relevant documents in original as per advertisement for verification and one set xerox copies of the same to be deposited to the office.

List of Documents:
  1. Admit Card of Written Examination.
  2. Photo Identity Proof.
  3. 2 Copies of recent passport size photograph.
  4. Birth Certificate/ HSLC Pass Certificate for age proof.
  5. All pass Certificates Boards /Universities from HSLC onwards.
  6. Caste Certificate (wherever applicable).
  7. Person With Disability Certificate/ Differently abled Certificate (if Applicable)
  8. Employment Exchange Registration Certificate.
  9. Economically Weaker Section (EWC) Certificate (wherever applicable).

FAQs of DHS Result 

Q. When will the DHS, Assam Result be declared?
DHS Assam Result of Grade-III posts will be declared on 16th May 2023.

Q. How can we check DHS Result 2023?
DHS Results can be checked from official website of DHS.

Q. What do you mean by DHS?
DHS stands for Directorate of Health Services.
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