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Air Force School Jorhat Recruitment 2024 –Apply for 07 Teaching Posts


Name of PostsTeaching Posts
RecruitmentIndian Air Force Recruitment 2024
No of Vacancies07
Exam DateTo be notified
Mode of ApplicationOffline
Last Date to Apply31/03/2024
Official Website

Air Force School Jorhat, Assam has invited application for the recruitment of 07 (Seven) Teaching Positions on Regular and Contractual Basis. Eligible and interested candidates may apply online here for Air Force School Jorhat Recruitment.

Air Force School Jorhat Recruitment 2024

Air Force School Jorhat Recruitment 2024

I) Name of Post: Post Graduate Teacher (PGT)

Subject: Chemistry (Contractual)

Number of Post: 01

Educational Qialification

(a) A Masters Degree in Chemistry/ Bio-Chemistry from any University recognized by the Govt of India/UGC/AICTE with a minimum aggregate marks of 50% in the subject and 50% in aggregate.

(b) A B.Ed Degree or its equivalent from a college / university recognized by Govt of India/ AICTE/ UGC/ National Council of Teachers Education.
Age group as on 01 Jul 23: 21 to 50 yrs

II) Name of Post: Post Graduate Teacher (PGT)

Subject: Sociology (Contractual)

Number of Post: 01

Educational Qialification

(a) A Masters Degree in Sociology from any University recognized by the Govt of India/ UGC/ AICTE with a minimum aggregate marks of 50% in the subject and 50% in aggregate.

(b) A B.Ed Degree or its equivalent from a college / university recognized by Govt of India/ AICTE/ UGC/ National Council of Teachers Education

Age group as on 01 Jul 23: 21 to 50 yrs

III) Name of Post:  Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT)

Subject: Science (Contractual)

Number of Post:  01

Educational Qialification

(a) A Masters or a Bachelor’s Degree from any University recognized by the Govt of India/ UGC/ AICTE with a minimum marks of 50% in the subject and 50% in the aggregate, in the combination of subjects as Botany, Zoology and Chemistry (All three subjects should have been studied).

(b) A B.Ed Degree or its equivalent from a college / university recognized by Govt of India/ AICTE/ UGC/ National Council of Teachers Education.

Age group as on 01 Jul 23: 21 to 50 yrs

IV) Name of Post: Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT)

Subject: Drawing (Regular)

Number of Post: 01

Educational Qialification

(a) A Masters or a Bachelor’s Degree from any University recognized by the Govt of India/ UGC/ AICTE with a minimum marks of 50% in the subject and 50% in the aggregate, including electives and languages, in the combination of subjects as:

Diploma in Drawing and Painting/ Sculpture/ Graphic Art from any Govt recognised institution

Four years’ Diploma in Fine Arts and Crafts from Viswa Bharati, Shanti Niketan

Diploma in Fine Arts from Govt. School of Arts and Crafts, Patna


M.A. in Drawing and Painting from Agra University, Agra

Degree/ Diploma in Fine Arts from Regional Colleges of Education

Age group as on 01 Jul 23: 21 to 50 yrs

V) Name of Post: Primary Teacher (PRT)

Number of Post: 01

Post Type: Regular

Educational Qialification

(a) A Bachelor’s Degree from any University recognized by the Govt of India/ UGC/ AICTE with a minimum marks of 50% in the aggregate.

(b) A B.Ed Degree or its equivalent from a college /university recognized by Govt of India/ AICTE/ UGC/ National Council of Teachers Education.

Age group as on 01 Jul 23: 21 to 50 yrs

VI) Name of Post: Special Educator

Number of Post: 01

Post Type: Contractual

Educational Qialification

Candidates should possess any one of the following Degree / Diploma:

(a) Graduate with B.Ed (Special Education)

(b) B.Ed. (General) with one year Diploma in Special Education.

(c) B.Ed. (General) with two years Diploma in Special Education.

(d) B.Ed. (General) with Post Graduate Professional Diploma in Special Education (PGPD)

(e) B.Ed. Special Education and Post Graduate Professional Diploma in Special Education (PGPD).

(f) PG Diploma in Special Education (Mental Retardation).

(g) PG Diploma in Special Education (Multiple Disability: Physical & Neurological).

(h) PG Diploma in Special Education (Locomotor impairment and cerebral Palsy).

(i) Secondary level Teacher Training Course in Visual Impairment.

(j) Senior Diploma in teaching the Deaf.

(k) BA B.Ed. in Visual Impairment

(l) Any other equivalent qualification approved by RCI.

Age group as on 01 Jul 23: 21 to 50 yrs

Other Eligibility Criteria of Air Force School Jorhat

(i) Candidate should be able to read, write and communicate fluently in English. 

(ii) Candidates should possess Knowledge of computer applications. 

(iii) CTET/ STET qualified candidates will be given additional weightage during  selection of PGT (Chemistry), PGT (Sociology), TGT (Science), TGT (Drawing) and PRT. 

(iv) Candidates having prior experience would be given due weightage

How to Apply for Air Force School Jorhat Recruitment?

Candidates are requested to apply on the prescribed form, available on the School website ( and send it to the School address by post/ hand/ courier before last date.

Please mention Email ID for faster communication. Scanned copy of forms may also be forwarded on School email ID:

Last date for submission of application is 31st  Mar 2024.

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